As we all know, email address contains two parts which are user name and domain name. But, in certain case, you may need to extract user name from the email address in your worksheet. Are there any good ways for you to get the user name from the email address?
To extract the full user name from the email address, you can use the mixed Left and Find function.
1. In a blank cell next to your email address, C2, for example, enter this formula: =LEFT(A2,FIND("@",A2)-1),(A2 contains the email address that you want to extract its user name, you can change it as you want), see screenshot:
2. Then drag the fill handle down to your range cells that you want to contain this formula, and all the user names in the cells have been extracted as follows:
Extract First And Last User Name Separately From Email Address
If you want to extract the first name and last name into separate columns, the following formulas can do you a favor.
To get the first name: =LEFT(LEFT(A2,FIND(".",A2)-1),FIND("@",A2)-1)
To get the last name: =LEFT(RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(".",A2)),FIND("@",RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(".",A2)))-1)
Please enter the above formulas into blank cells as you need, and drag the fill handle down to the range that you want to apply the formulas, and then you will see all the first name and last names have been returned into two columns separately. See screenshot:
1. If there isn’t last name within the user name, the formula will return an error value.
2. "." in the above formula indicates the separator between first name and last name, you can change "." to meet your need.
3. If there is no separator between first name and last name of the email address, this formula cannot work.