Ad Code

Super Fast PHP MySQLi Database Class

MYSQLi Class

Please understand that using something like this in a modern application is a bad idea. This was created before PDO and Query Builders like those seen in Laravel, CodeIgniter, etc. I highly recommend Laravel if you are looking for a better way.

PHP class to access MySQL database wrapper using MySQLi

This class can:

  • Connect to a given MySQL server
  • Execute SQL queries
  • Retrieve the number of query result rows, result columns and last inserted id
  • Retrieve the query results in a single array
  • Escape a single string or an array of literal text values to use in queries
  • Determine if one value or an array of values contain common MySQL function calls
  • Check of a table exists
  • Check of a given table record exists
  • Return a query result that has just one row
  • Execute INSERT, UPDATE, UPSERT(!!!) and DELETE queries from values that define tables, field names, field values and conditions
  • Truncate a table or tables
  • Optimize a table or tables
  • Send email messages with MySQL access and query errors
  • Display the total number of queries performed during all instances of the class


require_once "class.db.php";
$db = new DB();
foreach( $db->getResults( "SELECT * FROM users_table" ) as $result )
  $name = $result['name'];
  $email = $result['email'];
  echo "Name: $name" . "<br />" . "Email: $email" . "<br /><br />";

Stored Procedures

callProcedure($procedure, $params = array(), $responses = array())



Queries (Getting Data)

getArray($query, $type = MYSQLI_ASSOC)
getRow($query, $object = false)
getResult($query, $pos = 0)
getResults($query, $object = false)

Queries (Storing Data)

insert($table, $variables = array())
insertMulti($table, $columns = array(), $records = array())
update($table, $variables = array(), $where = array(), $limit = null)
upsert($table, $data = array(), $where = array())


exists($table = '', $check_val = '', $params = array())


search($table, $where = array(), $limit = null)
delete($table, $where = array(), $limit = null)
truncate($tables = array())
optimize($tables = array())



 * PHP MYSQLi Database Class
 * This class helps developers make standardized calls across their entire
 * application. This class was found and forked (bennettstone/simple-mysqli)
 * as a necessity after mysql_connect was deprecated and my site crashed. I
 * was forced to go through each and every page of my site and edit each call
 * and thought there had to be a better way. Please feel free to use on your
 * site and submit issues where necessary. Thank you and happy coding.
 * @link    
 * @version           2.0.1
 * Description:       A MYSQLi database wrapper for PHP
 * Last Update:       2018-04-05
 * Author:            Ben Miller
 * License:           MIT
 * License URI:

class DB
    // DB Connection Settings
    private $db_name    = 'YOUR_DB_NAME';
    private $db_user    = 'YOUR_DB_USER';
    private $db_pass    = 'YOUR_DB_PASS';
    private $db_host    = 'YOUR_DB_HOST';
    private $db_charset = 'utf8';

    // Debug Settings
    public $debug          = true;
    public $display_errors = true;
    public $send_mail      = true;
    public $send_to        = null;
    public $transactions   = false;
    public $log_path       = 'queries.log';

    // Class Settings
    private $link          = null;
    public $filter;
    public static $inst    = null;
    public static $counter = 0;
    public $queries        = array();

    public function __construct()
        $args = func_get_args();

        if (sizeof($args) > 0) {
            $this->link = new mysqli($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3]);
        } else {
            $this->link = new mysqli($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pass, $this->db_name);
        if ($this->link->connect_errno) {
            $this->logDbErrors("Connect failed", $this->link->connect_error);
            exit("connect failed");


    public function __destruct()
        if ($this->link) {

    private function logQueries($query)
        $this->queries[] = $query;

        if ($this->debug === true) {

            $string = "[" . date("Y-m-d h:i:s A T") . "]" . "\t$query\n";
            // appends to file, creates if doesn't exist
            file_put_contents($this->log_path, $string, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);

    * Show the definition of a Procedure
    * @access public
    * @param string (Name of the procedure)
    * @param bool $object (true returns object)
    * @return array
    public function showProcedure($procedure, $object = false)
        if (empty($procedure)) {
            return false;

        //Overwrite the $row var to null
        $row = null;

        $results = $this->link->query("SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE {$procedure}");

        if ($this->link->error) {
            $this->logDbErrors($this->link->error, $procedure);
            return false;
        } else {
            $row = array();
            while ($r = (!$object) ? $results->fetch_assoc() : $results->fetch_object()) {
                $row[] = $r;
            return $row;

    * Call Procedure with parameters
    * @param   string    $procedure  Name of procedure
    * @param   array     $params     "param"=>"value"
    * @param   array     $responses
    * @return  bool
    public function callProcedure($procedure, $params = array(), $responses = array())
        $sql = "CALL {$procedure}( ";

        $param_sql = array();

        foreach ($params as $field => $value) {
            if ($value === null) {
                $param_sql[] = "@{$field} := NULL";
            } else {
                if (is_numeric($value)) {
                    $param_sql[] = "@{$field} := {$value}";
                } else {
                    $param_sql[] = "@{$field} := '{$value}'";

        foreach ($responses as $field) {
            $param_sql[] = "@{$field}";

        $sql .= implode(', ', $param_sql);
        $sql .= ' )';

        $query = $this->query($sql);

        return $query;

    * Show the definition of a Function
    * @access public
    * @param string (Name of the function)
    * @param bool $object (true returns object)
    * @return array
    public function showFunction($function, $object = false)
        if (empty($function)) {
            return false;

        $results = $this->query("SHOW CREATE FUNCTION {$function}");

        $row = array();
        while ($r = (!$object) ? $results->fetch_assoc() : $results->fetch_object()) {
            $row[] = $r;
        return $row;

    * Allow the class to send admins a message alerting them to errors
    * on production sites
    * @access public
    * @param string $error
    * @param string $query
    * @return mixed
    public function logDbErrors($error, $query)
        if ($this->debug == true) {
            if ($this->send_to != null) {
                $message = "<p>Error at ". date("Y-m-d H:i:s").":</p>";
                $message .= "<p>Query: ". htmlentities($query)."<br />";
                $message .= "Error: {$error}<br />";
                $message .= "Page: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] ."<br />";
                $message .= "</p>";

                $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
                $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
                $headers .= "To: Admin <{$this->send_to}>\r\n";
                $headers .= "From: Admin <{$this->send_to}>\r\n";

                mail($this->send_to, 'Database Error', $message, $headers);

            if ($this->display_errors) {
                echo $error;

    * Sanitize user data
    * Example usage:
    * $user_name = $db->filter( $_POST['user_name'] );
    * Or to filter an entire array:
    * $data = array( 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'email' => '' );
    * $data = $db->filter( $data );
    * @access public
    * @param mixed $data
    * @return mixed $data
    public function filter($data)
        if (!is_array($data)) {
            $data = $this->link->real_escape_string($data);
            $data = trim(htmlentities($data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false));
        } else {
            //Self call function to sanitize array data
            $data = array_map(array( $this, 'filter' ), $data);
        return $data;

    * Extra function to filter when only mysqli_real_escape_string is needed
    * @access public
    * @param mixed $data
    * @return mixed $data
    public function escape($data)
        if (!is_array($data)) {
            $data = $this->link->real_escape_string($data);
        } else {
            //Self call function to sanitize array data
            $data = array_map(array( $this, 'escape' ), $data);
        return $data;

    * Normalize sanitized data for display (reverse $db->filter cleaning)
    * Example usage:
    * echo $db->clean( $data_from_database );
    * @access public
    * @param string $data
    * @return string $data
    public function clean($data)
        $data = stripslashes($data);
        $data = html_entity_decode($data, ENT_QUOTES, $this->db_charset);
        $data = nl2br($data);
        $data = urldecode($data);
        return $data;

    * Determine if common non-encapsulated fields are being used
    * Example usage:
    * if( $db->dbCommon( $query ) )
    * {
    *      //Do something
    * }
    * Used by function exists
    * @access public
    * @param string
    * @param array
    * @return bool
    public function dbCommon($value = '')
        if (is_array($value)) {
            foreach ($value as $v) {
                if (preg_match('/AES_DECRYPT/i', $v) || preg_match('/AES_ENCRYPT/i', $v) || preg_match('/now()/i', $v) || preg_match('/NOW()/i', $v)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
        } else {
            if (preg_match('/AES_DECRYPT/i', $value) || preg_match('/AES_ENCRYPT/i', $value) || preg_match('/now()/i', $value) || preg_match('/NOW()/i', $value)) {
                return true;

    * Perform queries
    * All following functions run through this function
    * @access public
    * @param string
    * @return string
    * @return array
    * @return bool
    public function query($query)


        if ($this->transactions == true) {
            $this->link->query('START TRANSACTION;');

        $full_query = $this->link->query($query);

        if ($this->transactions == true) {

        if ($this->link->error) {
            $this->logDbErrors($this->link->error, $query);

            if ($this->transactions == true) {

            return false;
        } else {
            return $full_query;

    * Determine if database table exists
    * Example usage:
    * if( !$db->tableExists( 'checkingfortable' ) )
    * {
    *      //Install your table or throw error
    * }
    * @access public
    * @param string
    * @return bool
    public function tableExists($table)
        $check = $this->query("SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{$this->db_name}' AND table_name = '{$table}' LIMIT 1;");

        if ($check !== false) {
            if ($check->num_rows > 0) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

    * Count number of rows found matching a specific query
    * Example usage:
    * $rows = $db->numRows( "SELECT id FROM users WHERE user_id = 44" );
    * @access public
    * @param string
    * @return int
    public function numRows($query)
        $query = $this->query($query);
        return $query->num_rows;

    * Run check to see if value exists, returns true or false
    * Example Usage:
    * $check_user = array(
    *    'user_email' => '',
    *    'user_id' => 48
    * );
    * $exists = $db->exists( 'your_table', 'user_id', $check_user );
    * @access public
    * @param string database table name
    * @param string field to check (i.e. 'user_id' or COUNT(user_id))
    * @param array column name => column value to match
    * @return bool
    public function exists($table = '', $check_val = '', $params = array())
        if (empty($table) || empty($check_val) || empty($params)) {
            return false;

        $check = array();

        foreach ($params as $field => $value) {
            if (!empty($field) && !empty($value)) {
                //Check for frequently used mysql commands and prevent encapsulation of them
                if ($this->dbCommon($value)) {
                    $check[] = "`{$field}` = {$value}";
                } else {
                    $check[] = "`{$field}` = '{$value}'";

        $check = implode(' AND ', $check);

        $rs_check = "SELECT {$check_val} FROM `{$table}` WHERE {$check}";
        $number = $this->numRows($rs_check);

        if ($number === 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    * Return specific row based on db query
    * Example usage:
    * list( $name, $email ) = $db->get_array( "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE user_id = 44" );
    * @access public
    * @param string
    * @param bool $object (true returns results as objects)
    * @return array
    public function getArray($query, $type = MYSQLI_ASSOC)
        $row = $this->query($query);

        while ($q = $row->fetch_array($type)) {
            $r[] = $q;

        return $r;

    * Return specific row based on db query
    * Example usage:
    * list( $name, $email ) = $db->getRow( "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE user_id = 44" );
    * @access public
    * @param string
    * @param bool $object (true returns results as objects)
    * @return array
    public function getRow($query, $object = false)
        $row = $this->query($query);
        $r = (!$object) ? $row->fetch_assoc() : $row->fetch_object();
        return $r;

    * Perform query to retrieve single result
    * Example usage:
    * echo $db->getResult( "SELECT name, email FROM users ORDER BY name ASC" );
    * @access public
    * @param string
    * @param int|string    (Can be either position in the array or the name of the returned field)
    * @return string
    public function getResult($query, $pos = 0)
        $results = $this->query($query);
        $result = $results->fetch_array();
        return $result[$pos];

    * Perform query to retrieve array of associated results
    * Example usage:
    * $users = $db->getResults( "SELECT name, email FROM users ORDER BY name ASC" );
    * foreach( $users as $user )
    * {
    *      echo $user['name'] . ': '. $user['email'] .'<br />';
    * }
    * @access public
    * @param string
    * @param bool $object (true returns object)
    * @return array
    public function getResults($query, $object = false)
        $results = $this->query($query);

        $row = array();
        while ($r = (!$object) ? $results->fetch_assoc() : $results->fetch_object()) {
            $row[] = $r;

        return $row;

    * Insert data into database table
    * Example usage:
    * $user_data = array(
    *      'name' => 'Bennett',
    *      'email' => '',
    *      'active' => 1
    * );
    * $db->insert( 'users_table', $user_data );
    * @access public
    * @param string table name
    * @param array table column => column value
    * @return bool
    public function insert($table, $variables = array())
        //Make sure the array isn't empty
        if (empty($variables)) {
            return false;

        $variables = $this->filter($variables);

        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table}";

        $fields = array();
        $values = array();

        foreach ($variables as $field => $value) {
            $fields[] = $field;
            if ($value === null) {
                $values[] = "NULL";
            } else {
                $values[] = "'{$value}'";

        $fields = " (`" . implode("`, `", $fields) . "`)";
        $values = "(". implode(", ", $values) .")";

        $sql .= $fields ." VALUES {$values};";

        $query = $this->query($sql);

        return $query;

    * Insert multiple records in a single query into a database table
    * Example usage:
    * $fields = array(
    *      'name',
    *      'email',
    *      'active'
    *  );
    *  $records = array(
    *     array(
    *          'Bennett', '', 1
    *      ),
    *      array(
    *          'Lori', '', 0
    *      ),
    *      array(
    *          'Nick', '', 1, 'This will not be added'
    *      ),
    *      array(
    *          'Meghan', '', 1
    *      )
    * );
    *  $db->insertMulti( 'users_table', $fields, $records );
    * @access public
    * @param string table name
    * @param array table columns
    * @param array records
    * @return bool
    * @return int number of records inserted
    public function insertMulti($table, $columns = array(), $records = array())
        //Make sure the arrays aren't empty
        if (empty($columns) || empty($records)) {
            return false;

        //Count the number of fields to ensure insertion statements do not exceed the same num
        $number_columns = count($columns);

        //Start a counter for the rows
        $added = 0;

        //Start the query
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table}";

        $fields = array();

        //Loop through the columns for insertion preparation
        foreach ($columns as $field) {
            $fields[] = "`{$field}`";
        $fields = ' (`' . implode('`, `', $fields) . '`)';

        //Loop through the records to insert
        $values = array();

        $records = $this->filter($records);

        foreach ($records as $record) {
            //Only add a record if the values match the number of columns
            if (count($record) == $number_columns) {
                $values[] = "('" . implode("', '", array_values($record)) ."')";
        $values = implode(', ', $values);

        $sql .= $fields . " VALUES {$values}";

        $query = $this->query($sql);

        return $query;

    * Search data in database table
    * Example usage:
    * $where = array( 'user_id' => 44, 'name' => 'Bennett' );
    * $db->search( 'users', $where );
    * @access public
    * @param string table name
    * @param array where parameters table column => column value
    * @param int limit
    * @return mixed
    public function search($table, $where = array(), $limit = null)
        if (empty($where)) {
            return false;

        $where = $this->filter($where);

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$table}`";

        //Add the $where clauses as needed
        if (!empty($where)) {
            foreach ($where as $field => $value) {
                $clause[] = "`{$field}` = '{$value}'";
            $sql .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $clause);

        if ($limit !== null) {
            $sql .= " LIMIT {$limit}";

        return $this->getResults($sql);

    * Update data in database table
    * Example usage:
    * $update = array( 'name' => 'Not bennett', 'email' => '' );
    * $where = array( 'user_id' => 44, 'name' => 'Bennett' );
    * $db->update( 'users_table', $update, $where, 1 );
    * @access public
    * @param string table name
    * @param array values to update table column => column value
    * @param array where parameters table column => column value
    * @param int limit
    * @return bool
    public function update($table, $variables = array(), $where = array(), $limit = null)
        if (empty($variables)) {
            return false;

        $variables = $this->filter($variables);

        $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET ";
        foreach ($variables as $field => $value) {
            if ($value === null) {
                $updates[] = "`{$field}` = NULL";
            } else {
                $updates[] = "`{$field}` = '{$value}'";
        $sql .= implode(', ', $updates);

        //Add the $where clauses as needed
        if (!empty($where)) {
            foreach ($where as $field => $value) {
                $value = $value;

                $clause[] = "`{$field}` = '{$value}'";
            $sql .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $clause);

        if ($limit !== null) {
            $sql .= " LIMIT {$limit}";

        $query = $this->query($sql);

        return $query;

    * Upserts data into database table
    * Example usage:
    * $data = array(
    *      'name' => 'Jon'
    * );
    * $where = array(
    *      'name' => 'Bennett',
    *      'email' => '',
    *      'active' => 1
    * );
    * $db->upsert( 'users_table', $data, $where);
    * @access public
    * @param string table name
    * @param array table column => column value
    * @return bool
    public function upsert($table, $data = array(), $where = array())
        //Make sure the args aren't empty
        if (empty($table) || empty($data) || empty($where)) {
            return false;

        // Find if the row exists
        $find = $this->search($table, $where);

        // if the row exists, update, if not, insert
        if (empty($find)) {
            return $this->insert($table, $data);
        } else {
            return $this->update($table, $data, $where);

    * Delete data from table
    * Example usage:
    * $where = array( 'user_id' => 44, 'email' => '' );
    * $db->delete( 'users_table', $where, 1 );
    * @access public
    * @param string table name
    * @param array where parameters table column => column value
    * @param int max number of rows to remove.
    * @return bool
    public function delete($table, $where = array(), $limit = null)
        //Delete clauses require a where param, otherwise use "truncate"
        if (empty($where)) {
            return false;

        $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$table}`";

        foreach ($where as $field => $value) {
            $value = $value;
            $clause[] = "`{$field}` = '{$value}'";

        $sql .= " WHERE ". implode(' AND ', $clause);

        if ($limit !== null) {
            $sql .= " LIMIT {$limit}";

        $query = $this->query($sql);

        return $query;

    * Get last auto-incrementing ID associated with an insertion
    * Example usage:
    * $db->insert( 'users_table', $user );
    * $last = $db->lastid();
    * @access public
    * @return int
    public function lastId()
        return $this->link->insert_id;

    * Return the number of rows affected by a given query
    * Example usage:
    * $db->insert( 'users_table', $user );
    * $db->affected();
    * @access public
    * @param none
    * @return int
    public function affected()
        return $this->link->affected_rows;

    * Get number of fields
    * Example usage:
    * echo $db->numFields( "SELECT * FROM users_table" );
    * @access public
    * @param query
    * @return int
    public function numFields($query)
        $query = $this->query($query);
        $fields = $query->field_count;
        return $fields;

    * Get columns from associated table
    * Example usage:
    * $fields = $db->showColumns( "users_table" );
    * echo '<pre>';
    * print_r( $fields );
    * echo '</pre>';
    * @access public
    * @param string
    * @return array
    public function showColumns($table)
        $query = $this->getResults("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$table}`;");
        return $query;

    * Truncate entire tables
    * Example usage:
    * $remove_tables = array( 'users_table', 'user_data' );
    * echo $db->truncate( $remove_tables );
    * @access public
    * @param array database table names
    * @return int number of tables truncated
    public function truncate($tables = array())
        if (!empty($tables)) {
            $truncated = 0;
            foreach ($tables as $table) {
                $table = trim($table);
                $truncate = "TRUNCATE TABLE `{$table}`";
            return $truncated;

    * Optimize tables
    * Example usage:
    * $tables = array( 'users_table', 'user_data' );
    * echo $db->optimize( $tables );
    * @access public
    * @param array database table names
    * @return int number of tables truncated
    public function optimize($tables = array())
        if (!empty($tables)) {
            $optimized = 0;
            foreach ($tables as $table) {
                $table = trim($table);
                $optimize = "OPTIMIZE TABLE `{$table}`";
            return $optimized;

    * Output the total number of queries
    * Generally designed to be used at the bottom of a page after
    * scripts have been run and initialized as needed
    * Example usage:
    * echo 'There were '. $db->totalQueries() . ' performed';
    * @access public
    * @param none
    * @return int
    public function totalQueries()
        return self::$counter;

    * Get the last query
    * Example usage:
    * echo $db->lastQuery();
    * @access public
    * @return string
    public function lastQuery()
        $last_query = array_values(array_slice($this->queries, -1))[0];
        return $last_query;

    * Singleton function
    * Example usage:
    * $db = DB::getInstance();
    * @access private
    * @return self
    public static function getInstance()
        if (self::$inst == null) {
            self::$inst = new DB();
        return self::$inst;

    * Disconnect from db server
    * Called automatically from __destruct function
    public function disconnect()
} //end class DB


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